Six representatives of the Union Pacific Railroad or their legal representatives from the Nyemaster/Goode Law Firm in Des Moines, were in attendance at Monday’s Humboldt County Board of Supervisors meeting, asking several questions about the county’s drainage tile repair project in Drainage District No. 114, at the southwest edge of Livermore. Under the project, which was completed in 2012, collapsed tile lying under the Union Pacific Railroad track that runs through the south central part of Livermore was replaced. According to Drainage Engineer Rick Hopper with Jacobson-Westergard and Associaties of Estherville, the county’s drainage engineering firm, two borings, about 200 feet apart were conducted under the railroad bed. Neither the railroad track bed nor any appurtenances associated with the railroad were disturbed in the replacement of tile in Section 18 of Humboldt Township. The total cost of repair turned out to be $94,810.47.