Living in Humboldt for nearly two years has made a big difference in the lives of Tonia Petterson, her husband, Eric, and their children. Tonia definitely does not miss the traffic they came from in Sioux Falls, SD. The Hy-Vee store she came from is about three times bigger than the one here in Humboldt where she is the Store Director. Tonia says they all enjoy living in a smaller town but sometimes miss the luxuries found in a bigger city. Tonia grew up in Dow City and graduated from Boyer Valley High School and Briar Cliff University. She met Eric in Sioux Falls, SD, both being involved with Park and Recreation volleyball. Eric graduated from Canton High School, Dakota State University and South Dakota State University. Eric is a middle school teacher in Fort Dodge. Tonia and Eric have four children. Hunter, 16, and Shelby, 14, are both students at Humboldt High School, Hunter being a junior and Shelby is a freshman. Chloe, 3, attends preschool at St. Mary School.