I met Lynn Kist while roaming around in their store, Kist Korner, on Sumner Avenue in Humboldt months ago. She has quite a collection of dishes, glasses, bowls, furniture, etc., which I love to look at. The first time I visited with her she was planning ahead and talked about starting a small coffee shop. Lynn and her husband, Kevin Kist, are the shop owners of Kist Korner. Their store opened in October last year and on Dec. 17 of 2014 they opened the café part of their shop. When I was in there for this interview the warm delicious aroma of coffee wafted through the air. She serves soup at noon and is open mornings and afternoons for coffee and muffins and brownies. She told me that she has had a lot of encouragement and help from Juanita Skow and her daughter, Dee Hesse, who have helped out with lots of recipe suggestions. She sort of laughed and said, “My store is a solution to hoarding!