My name has changed but I’m still the same Cook of the Week Editor. I married Max Redenius on Dec. 12. So to re-introduce myself, Sally Redenius, I decid-ed to visit with Max’s sisters via the email and Facebook messag-ing to get some of Max’s moth-er’s recipes. They were all very helpful and it was fun reading their reminiscing back and forth as we all discussed the recipes. Several times when I have cooked something Max has said, “This is good but it isn’t quite like my mother made!” So I’m in search of those “just like my mom” recipes! Max’s sisters that were so helpful to me were Jackie (Vern) Schulze of Humboldt, Marge (Skip) Hubrich of St. Cloud, MN, and Linda (Fred) Det-mering of Fort Dodge. Each one of “my new sisters” was able to share several recipes that they remembered their mother cook-ing. I wonder if, as I try some of these, Max will recognize them as his mom’s or at least almost like what his mom made!