As many of you have proba-bly been approached by a Girl Scout during these past couple of weeks about buying those delicious Girl Scout cookies, you know we are in Girl Scout cookie season now through the middle of March. A week ago I visited with most of the Girl Scout leaders of the Springvale Girl Scouts. This week and in the following two weeks we will be visiting with some of the in-dividual troops. Ambassador Troop 23 – “My name is Alyssa Pflibsen. I am one of the four girls of Am-bassador Troop 23. Our troop includes Holly Stockdale, Ash-ley Kiley, Kaylynn McGriff (of Fort Dodge) and myself, along with our co-leaders, Amy Town-send and Tanya Pflibsen. We are juniors in high school. We are all involved in many activities throughout the year and also work part-time jobs. We have very busy schedules which al-lows little time for meetings, so when we do get together, we like to help with community service events and volunteer.