The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) and Humboldt Police Department (HPD) have concluded their investigation into a stolen vehicle and pursuit in the city of Humboldt on Tuesday, Aug. 20.
It was discovered that the motorcycle Bradley Baumann, 34, of Fort Dodge, was driving was stolen from Ames. An arrest warrant for Baumann for Humboldt County charges has been issued. Baumann is being held in the Webster County Jail.
In Humboldt County the charges are criminal mischief in the second degree, criminal mischief in the third degree, theft in the second degree, operating without the owner’s consent, driving while barred, eluding, interference with official acts and two counts of driving while license under suspension. There are also numerous traffic charges against Baumann. Bond warrants list $20,000 cash only bond on Baumann. He will be transferred to Humboldt County at a later date to address the charges.