April 2020



TERRY I. MOSS, 72, died Friday, April 24, 2020, at the Iowa Veteran's Home in Marshalltown. Those wishing to send online condolences can send them to www.masonlindhart.com and we will see that it gets to the family. Be sure to put the deceased’s name in the subject line.


HCMH update on COVID-19

HCMH Chief Executive Officer Michelle Sleiter

From Michelle Sleiter,
Humboldt County Memorial Hospital CEO
As of April 23, Humboldt County has 4 known positive COVID-19 cases. Given the global pandemic and potential spread of this virus, it is not a surprise to have positive cases in our county and we have been preparing for this over the last month. We are also continuously monitoring and implementing the latest guidance provided by the Iowa Department of Public Health and the CDC.
We have been operating our incident command center and feel confident in our approach. We are also grateful for the recent release of restrictions by the federal government which will help us in testing and to provide care. We have testing supplies and will follow the guidance of the health departments to determine if testing is recommended.


Auditor encourages absentee voting

Humboldt County Auditor Peggy Rice said registered voters in the county will be receiving an absentee ballot request form in the mail this week. People wanting to vote in the June 2 Democratic or Republican primaries should fill out the request and mail it by May 22.

Humboldt County Auditor Peggy Rice joins Secretary of State Paul Pate and auditors across Iowa in encouraging voters to cast absentee ballots by mail in the upcoming June 2 primary. During the COVID-19 pandemic, voting by mail is the safest option.
Secretary Pate is sending absentee ballot request forms to every active registered voter in the state. The forms should arrive in your mailbox this week and will include pre-paid postage for returning them to the Humboldt County Auditor’s office.
Once voters receive their absentee ballot request form in the mail, they should fill it out and mail it promptly. Iowans can also download the request form directly from the Iowa Secretary of State website, VoterReady.Iowa.gov. Requests must be received by the county auditor’s office by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 22.


Humboldt School District names administrators

New Humboldt Community School District administrative team members for the 2020-21 school year pictured from left to right are: High School Principal Paul Numedahl, Mease Elementary School Principal and district curriculum director Lora Kester, and Middle School Assistant Principal Creighton Jenness.

By Phil Monson
For the past several months, Colorado educator Paul Numedahl had been looking for an opportunity to return to his home state of Iowa and continue his career in education.
When the Humboldt High School Principal position opened up in late winter and Numedahl applied and eventually was offered and accepted the position, he felt like he had won the lottery.
The hiring of Numedahl became official when the Humboldt Board of Education approved his hiring in their meeting on April 6. Numedahl couldn’t help but share his enthusiasm in a phone visit with the Independent.
“First off, I’m very excited to about the position of high school principal at Humboldt. And not only that, I’m also excited to have my family join the Humboldt community,” Numedahl said. “We’re all really excited about moving back to Iowa.”


Construction to begin for St. Mary's project

This drawing shows the Parish Center addition with the various roof pitches extending south from St. Mary’s Church. It also shows the entrance to the Parish Center and the new entrance to St. Mary School. An addition to the school can be seen towards the top (white roof area).

Since starting a capital campaign a little more than a year ago, St. Mary’s Parish has more than $3.5 million pledged to begin an expansion and remodeling project. A total of $2.5 million has been raised with the remaining $1 million to come in within the coming year.
Construction will begin now that school is out for the year. Sande Construction of Humboldt will be the general contractor.
“We have a tight timeframe. The plan is to start construction right away and have the school portion of the project completed by the start of the school year in August,” Father Dan Guenther, Pastor of St. Mary’s Parish, said.


Two new cases of COVID-19 reported in Humboldt County

Two addition cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) have been confirmed in Humboldt County, according to the Iowa Department of Public Health and Humboldt County Public Health. The announcement was made on mid-morning Thursday, April 23.
The two new Humboldt County residents are in the 18-40 age group and in the 41-60 age group. The residents are being monitored by public health.
The new cases bring the total to four in Humboldt County. Last weekend, Humboldt County Public Health reported an 18-40-year-old subject had tested positive and the person was recovering in self-isolation. The department also reported a 41-60-year-old person who was being monitored by public health.
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds reported on Thursday that there are 176 new positive cases of the disease, bringing the total number to 3,942. There have been 842 new negative tests, for a total of 25,338 negative tests since testing started.



BRUCE VOGT, 56, of Waterloo, formerly of Humboldt, died Friday, April 17, 2020, at Pillar of Cedar Valley in Care Initiative Hospice of a lengthy illness. Those wishing to send online condolences can send them to www.masonlindhart.com and we will see that it gets to the family. Be sure to put the deceased’s name in the subject line.



MICHAEL A. HEWITT, 64, of Humboldt, died Friday evening, April 17, 2020, at the Humboldt Care Center South. Those wishing to send online condolences can send them to www.masonlindhart.com and we will see that it gets to the family. Be sure to put the deceased’s name in the subject line.
