On March 4, 1909, a snow-storm in Washington D.C. prevented incumbent President Willian Howard Taft from taking the oath of office outside. Instead, the 27th president of the United States would take the oath indoors, becoming the first American President to do so since An-drew Jackson.
A few days later, further west, one of the heaviest snowfalls in Iowa history would be recorded in Humboldt County.
According to NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information database, on March 7, 1909, a whopping 20 inches of snow was record-ed in Humboldt County.
The Humboldt Republican Newspaper reported on this event in the March 12, 1909 issue.
The headline read, “Gigantic Snow Fall Covers Old Iowa” accompanied by the subheads “Great fall of the ‘Beautiful’ in good old Iowa Monday and Tuesday” and “Prospects for the highest floods in years – Greatest snow fall in North-western Iowa in Twenty Years.”