Bridge and street work battles wet weather
Contractors are battling the elements in getting public works projects completed in the city of Humboldt. The Humboldt City Council received an update on city projects from David Doxtad, civil engineer with I&S Group. Doxtad reported that Blacktop Service Company of Humboldt has been slowed by weather delays but will be getting hot mix asphalt crack filling completed and then following that up with seal coating on the streets designated by the council earlier this year. Doxtad said the company will do the streets by sections of town to limit traffic delays and disruptions for residents. He said the sidewalk sub-contractors will be returning next week. “It is taking a while, but they do good work and we want the sidewalks completed right,” Doxtad told the council. He said the contractors will try very hard to complete all of the work this fall. “If it gets to the point where the sidewalk and crosswalk replacement cannot be done, we will wait on those sidewalks until next spring, rather than having an area under construction throughout the winter months,” the engineer said. For more news on the Humboldt City Council, including details on new developments in town, read The Humboldt Independent this week and every week by clicking on the link above to subscribe.