Council mulls changes to old fire station, LEC
The Humboldt City Council on Monday set the wheels in motion to perhaps remodel the old fire station north of city hall, expand the current Law Enforcement Center and close the alley between the two buildings.
It was part of a discussion started by Humboldt Mayor Dan Scholl.
“What brought the need to my attention was Humboldt County Emergency Management needed a staging area in the case of an emergency.
“I got to looking at the old fire station and the kitchen area needs updating, along with the restrooms and the meeting room area. This was on my radar when we had our strategic planning meeting last winter,” Scholl said.
“Then in discussions with the police chief, the sheriff and chief deputy, there is a need of a sally port (a safe, secure, enclosed area)” for the unloading and loading of prisoners," Scholl said.
After much discussion, the Council agreed to have the Humboldt Planning and Zoning Commission review vacating the alley between the two buildings. Read all about it in this week's Humboldt Independent.