Home Edition in this week's Humboldt Independent

Nate and Amy Nostrom have enjoyed their new home and economical geothermal heating/cooling system since 2018. Read about them in this week's Humboldt Independent. Independent photo by Jim Sayers.

A view of the kitchen at the Deb and Mitch Christensen home on Humboldt's north side. It is one of five homes featured in this year's Home Edition, exclusively in this week's Humboldt Independent. Pick up your copy today or subscribe by clicking on the link at the top of this page. Humboldt Independent photo by Phil Monson.

Look inside today’s Humboldt Independent for the annual Home Edition, two sections and 20 pages of news and advertisements you can use for your dream home or home remodel or improvement.
By shopping the local area you can find all you need, whether it is buying, building, financing, remodeling or improving your living space.

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