Full slate of shows for 2023 Humboldt County Fair
There are still tickets available to all grandstand shows and the Scott Amusements Carnival for the 2023 Humboldt County Fair, planned for Tuesday-Monday, July 25-31 at 311 6th Ave. N. in Humboldt. Grandstand shows will include the annual 4-H Style Show, Little Miss, Little Mister, Princess, Junior Miss and Queen contests beginning at 7 p.m., admission is free. On Thursday, July 27, Impact Pro Wrestling will return for a free show for the entire family in the fair show ring at 7 p.m. Admission is free. Friday, July 28 will be the Outlaw Tractor and Pickup Pull in the grandstand beginning at 7 p.m. with three different classes of tractors. Single tickets are $15 or people can buy a Booster Pack of tickets for big savings. A popular feature of the event is that after the pro drivers, local drivers can enter their street pickups for a pulling competition. Sunday, July 30, will be the popular Tough Truck Challenge featuring local and statewide drivers. It is $15 for adults, $5 for children 5-12 and children under 5 are admitted free. During intermission, chainsaw artist Lynn Anderson will be auctioning off his work with all of the proceeds going to support the fair. New this year will be pit passes for the Tractor and Truck Pull and the Tough Trucks for $25 each. There will be a fireworks display after Sunday's grandstand event.
New this year will be a special grandstand event at the Humboldt County Fair. Country music artists Jake Worthington and Tyler Farr will be headlining a special concert at 7 p.m. A limit of 2,500 tickets are only available on the fair's website, www.humboldtcountyfair.com” Tickets are only $30 each.
“We have contracted with Iowa Sound and they will be bringing in their own stage and lighting and own generator for power. The stage will be located on the east end of the harness racing track,” Fair Board member Kevin Cordray said.
Something else that will be a first for the Humboldt County Fair, there will be an adult beverage garden that will have beer, water and soft drinks available.
People will not be allowed to bring alcoholic beverages, koozies or coolers into the grandstand or infield area. There will be a standing area for concertgoers on the infield and there will be some limited seating for a VIP area. There will be a limited number of parking passes for the event. Cordray said the fair board is contracting with some area law enforcement agencies to provide additional security and crowd control for the concert. The July 29 concert will start at 7 p.m. with gates opening at 5:30 p.m.
Booster Packs save money. The Grand Champion Pack is $500 and saves fairgoers $150. The Reserve Champion Pack is $250, a $75 savings. The Family Pack is $100 and saves families $30.
Carnival ticket arm bands are sold with the Booster Pack or individually.
People wanting tickets can contact any fair board member. They include Gary Vinsand, Jason Opheim, Jerod Hatcher, Chad Kampen, Jeff Haselhuhn, Jeff Halverson, Bruce Schipull, Paul Davis, Nick Davis, Tyler Rutz, Kevin Cordray, Michael Lash, Alex Rhead, Roger Carlson, Ross Newton, Nate Nostrom and accounting manager Marva Anderson.
In the fair section of this week's Humboldt Independent there was an error on the Queen candidate advertisement on page C2. The photos and biographies for the queen candidates and the Fair Princess were correct. The Junior Miss, Little Miss and Little Mister names published were outdated and should not have been included. We apologize for the error and any confusion this may have caused.