Independent, Thompson earn honors

Kent Thompson (right) was presented the Master Editor/Publisher Award at the Iowa Newspaper Association convention on Feb. 8 in Des Moines. Paula Buenger, past president and previous award recipient, is shown here making the presentation. Independent photo.

Sports Editor Phil Monson received a third place award for Best Sports Story for large circulation weeklies at the Iowa Newspaper Association Convention in Des Moines last week. Monson's sports feature on Brynn Malo's cross country journey was recognized.
The Humboldt Independent and general manager/editor Kent Thompson received awards at the Iowa Newspaper Association Convention in Des Moines Feb. 8.
Thompson received the Master Editor/Publisher Award, honoring his more than four decades in the newspaper business in a variety of roles at several locations including weekly newspapers in Iowa Falls, Algona and now Humboldt. He has been the news editor at the Humboldt Independent for the past 16 years. "His story is characterized by consistency and dedication to his publications, co-workers and communities," the award states.
The Humboldt Independent Newspaper was recognized for winning two awards in last week’s Iowa Newspaper Association annual convention held on Feb. 8 in Des Moines.
In the weekly newspaper Class 3 group, Humboldt won third-place in the categories of Best Sports Section and Best Sports Story.
The sports section published on June 29, 2023, produced by Independent writer/photographer Phil Monson, was selected.
The sports story selected was written by Phil Monson and published on Oct. 22, 2022. The headline was, ‘Brynn Malo qualifies for state!’
Judges’ comments: “Engaging descriptive writing to bring in the reader. Nice roundup of local athletes.”
See the report in this week's Humboldt Independent.