New horse arena being built at fairgrounds

An artist drawing of the new horse arena to be built in the north infield of the race track at the Humboldt County Fairgrounds. Persons wishing to donate or pay for a sponsorship can contact the fair board at 515-332-5154.
A new horse arena is being built at the Humboldt County Fairgrounds. The new facility will be ready for the 2024 fair.
Kevin Cordray, member of the fair board, says the newer, bigger arena will be located near the location of the previous arena, at the north infield of the harness racing track on the grounds.
“The arena we had in the past had become outdated and needed a lot of repairs, so we feel the time was right to rebuild it,” Cordray said. “The arena we had restricted us in the type of events we could hold there. The new arena will be one and one-half times the size of the previous arena.”
“With the newer, bigger facility, we can host rodeo events, barrel racing and other events, in addition to all the 4-H events we’ve had in the past,” Cordray said.
Read more about the project and learn how you can contribute in this week's Humboldt Independent, your source for Humboldt County Fair information. Pick up your copy on sale today.