GAN fiber optic install progresses

The Humboldt-Dakota City area is rapidly becoming known as one of the technology hotbed places across the state and even the country. Thanks to the ongoing installation of a fiber optic system by Goldfield Access Network, the towns have access to some of the highest Internet speeds in the world. The fiber optic network allows Goldfield Access Network to offer not only Internet service, but also phone service and cable television service. Thus far, a crew of six have completed installations in the northeast part of Humboldt, the industrial park areas and Humboldt Homes, parts of downtown Humboldt and they are working in Dakota City. Next year, southwest Humboldt is scheduled for fiber installation. “People have been pretty receptive. In a lot of cases, the cable television package we offer is about half of what people were paying before,” Darrell Seaba, President of Goldfield Access Network, said. That package includes about 80 channels. To read more about how increasing bandwidth is benefitting Humboldt, subscribe to the print or electronic versions of The Humboldt Independent newspaper today.

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