HCMH Board accepts Lenning gift

The Humboldt County Memorial Hospital (HCMH) Board of Trustees met Monday and covered a variety of topics. The board was pleased to hear of a generous gift from the Glen Lenning estate to HCMH in the amount of $300,000. “Glen was a resident of the long-term care unit and his wife in Springvale Assisted Living. The family didn’t want any special recognition, but we do want to recognize this generous gift,” Hospital CEO Jim Atty reported at Monday’s meeting. Atty said while gifts are typically given through the HCMH Foundation, this one was given to the hospital. The board agreed to place the donated funds into a certificate of deposit as a designated asset for future use for a specific purpose at the hospital. The board also discussed setting a dinner meeting during a Wednesday night in December for purposes of strategic planning. For more news on the HCMH Board meeting pick up a copy of this week's Humboldt Independent print edition or subscribe to the full paper online by clicking on the E-Edition link above.

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