Pederson writes commissioned piece for 150th

In July, Americans will celebrate the birth of their nation. Humboldt citizens will celebrate the 150th anniversary, or sesquicentennial of the establishment of their community. The event will be marked with the annual parade, fireworks display, a Union Cemetery walk, a barbeque cookoff, a Humboldt Arts Council display, a tour of the schools and community, and much, much more. One of the most unique elements of the four-day celebration will be a special concert at Humboldt High School, featuring a piece of music commissioned by the Humboldt Sesquicentennial Committee and the Humboldt Music Boosters. Students in Ms. Kristina Greenfield’s advance placement program for language arts were approached about writing poems that could be used as song lyrics. Humboldt senior Miranda Pederson was in the advanced placement language arts class. She enjoyed writing poetry, so the assignment peaked her interest. “I made a list of all the things I thought made Humboldt unique,” said Miranda. “I thought of the new Frank Gotch statue, Taft, the two rivers, the museum and the fact that Humboldt began as Springvale.” Miranda also wanted to incorporate some of the history such as Humboldt College, and the marsh land of Humboldt’s early days. Her poem was selected as the lyrics for music written by Iowa State University musical professor Michael Golemo. It is called "Forever Home," and will be performed Saturday, July 6, at the Humboldt High School, at a time to be announced. For more information about Pederson and the piece, pick up a copy of this week's Humboldt Independent newspaper, or subscribe by clicking on the link above.

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