Happy Sesquicentennial Humboldt! In honor of the celebration, this week’s cook column is presenting some recipes that have appeared in the Humboldt papers in past years. Here is a snapshot of some of the changes in recipes and cooking techniques. Preserving Green Corn(Humboldt Kosmos,Oct. 6, 1875) The following recipe for preserving green corn is said to be excellent: Boil on the cob until the milk ceases to flow when the grain is picked. Cut off the corn and pack in stone jars in the following order: A layer of salt at the bottom half an inch deep, then one of corn two inches in depth; another half inch of salt, and so on until the jar is nearly filled. Let the topmost layer of salt be double the depth of the others, and pour on all melted—not hot—lard. Press upon this when nearly hard, thick white paper cut to fit the mouth of the jar. Keep in a cool place. Soak overnight before using it. Green corn is difficult to can but it will keep well if put up this way; and strange to tell, be so fresh after the night soaking as to require salt when you boil it for the table. Should the top layer be musty, dig lower still, and you will be rewarded for the search. Meat Pickling(Humboldt County Republican,Dec. 7, 1893) Editress Woman’s Department: I have used the following recipe and it proved to be excellent. For one hundred pounds of beef take eight pounds of salt, two quarts of molasses or dark brown sugar, one-fourth pound of soda and same of saltpeter. Put all into water enough to cover the meat. Heat the water till scum rises, skim clean and put the hot pickle on the meat. When warm weather comes; say June, pour off the brine, scald it, skim and put over the meat or make a new pickle. This recipe makes sweet, tender beef for drying. Hams and shoulders of pork are fine when pickled in this way, but the pickle must be cold before it is poured over them. Never pickle any kind of meat until the animal heat is out of it.Our Woman’s Column(Humboldt County Republican,Jan. 13, 1898)Mrs. C.T. Jaqua EditressSoft Ginger Bread Mrs. Peters says, “This is my recipe for a quickly made cake, which is nice for tea or lunch when eaten warm. One cup of Orleans molasses, one-half teacup of shortening either butter or lard, one-half teacup of sour milk and one- half cup of boiling water, one teaspoon each of soda and ginger and flour enough to make a thick batter. Dissolve the soda in the milk, add the hot water to the shortening, and mix all together. Bake in square tin in a quick oven.”In the Domestic Realm(Humboldt County Republican, Aug. 8, 1902)Chicken cooked likeTerrapin Stew or steam chickens one year old or thereabouts and season well while cooking; there should be very little water in the kettle when done. When cold, cut up in small pieces an inch or more in size, and heat in the following sauce: For 1-1/2 pints of chicken, mash fine the yolks of two hard-boiled eggs with a tablespoonful of butter until a smooth paste is formed; slowly add one pint of hot cream and the chicken stock, and boil up at once. Season with a dash of mace, paprika and white pepper. The recipe calls for wine at the last; but this may be omitted if thought best. Mushrooms and sweetbreads are an addition; the former may be boiled with chicken after soaking the salt water.Ladies’ World, New York.Farm NotesUse all of the Orange(The Humboldt Republican, March 30, 1917) With the new supply of oranges on the market, reasonable in price, the problem of providing fruit as a necessary item in the spring diet becomes less serious. It is a real waste to throw away the orange peels, however, which can be made into delicious marmalade. The home economics department at Iowa State College gives the recipe:1-3 of peel1-1/3 cups sugar2 cups water1 cup pulp (use proportion of 1 lemon to 1 orange.) Cut rind in quarters, remove, reserve 1-3, selecting best pieces. Cut pulp in small pieces and measure, to each cup of pulp add twice as much water and put on to cook until pulp disintegrates, about 20 minutes. While pulp is cooking cut rind in thin slices, hold yellow side up on board, as it cuts more easily. Add about four times as much water to rind and boil for five minutes. Repeat two or three times, adding fresh water each time, until bitter flavor is gone, then drain. Put pulp in jelly bag, press to remove all juice, throw away residue. If marmalade is wanted very clear, rinse bag in cold water and let juice drip through a second time. Add sugar (for each original cup pulp add 1-1/2 cups sugar) to juice and rind, boil quickly to jelly stage. Cool to about 108 degrees to prevent peel from coming to top, then fill glass and skim if necessary.Leaves from Nancy’s Kitchen Club Notebook(Humboldt Independent,April 26, 1928) “Mrs. Gray served us the most delicious refreshments this afternoon.” (Here is one of the recipes from the column)Cheese Tea Biscuits1 quart flour1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon baking powder1 scant teaspoon soda1 lump of lard the size of an egg4 tablespoons grated cheeseButtermilk to make soft dough Bake at once in a quick oven. She uses a live heat oven, which can be set over one burner of an oil or gas stove, leaving the rest of the stove free for other cooking.Recipe by Pioneer Woman is Endorsed(Humboldt Republican,March 22, 1935) Lily Walsh of Pioneer, recently submitted her recipe for gingerbread to the Better Homes and Gardens magazine, and was awarded a certificate of endorsement on it because of its excellence.The recipe is as follows:3 eggs1 cupful of sugar3/4 cupful of melted butter1 cupful of molasses3 cupfuls of flour1 teaspoon of ginger1/2 teaspoonful of salt1 cupful of boiling water1 teaspoonful of soda Beat the eggs until very light, then add the sugar and continue beating until smooth. Stir in the melted butter and molasses. Add the flour, which has been sifted with the ginger and salt and mix very smooth. Add boiling water in which the soda has been dissolved and beat vigorously. Place in a greased and floured shallow loaf pan and make in a moderate oven (350 degrees). Serve warm, with:Favorite Sauce:1 egg white1/2 cupful of powdered sugar1/2 cupful of cream whipped until stiff2 apples grated1/2 cupful of chopped nut meats. Beat the egg whites until stiff then fold in the sugar and continue beating until fluffy. Add the whipped cream, the grated apples and the nutmeats and serve at once.Recipes used at the Jaqua Printing Co. Cooking School(Humboldt Republican,March 28, 1941)Crusty Coffee Cake2 cups flour3 teaspoons baking powder1 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon cinnamon3 tablespoons sugar1 beaten egg3/4 cup milk1/3 cup melted and cooled lard1 tablespoon grated orange rind Sift all dry ingredients together. Blend egg, milk and orange rind. Add liquid to dry ingredients all at once and then melted lard. Mix until just blended. Pour into a greased 8 inch square pan. Sprinkle with topping.Topping: 1 tablespoon melted butter3 tablespoons sugar2 tablespoons grated orange rind1/3 cup chopped nutmeats Blend all together and sprinkle on top of unbaked coffee cake. Bake in hot oven 425 degrees for 25-30 minutes.Recipe given forQuick Baked Beans(Humboldt Independent,April 3, 1951) Here is a recipe for quick baked beans.Ingredients for 4 servings:2 slices bacon3 tablespoons finely minced onion1 tablespoon molasses1-1/2 tablespoons catsup1/4 teaspoon salt1/4 teaspoon dry mustard1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce. If desired 2 to 3 cups cooked dry beans. To make: Fry bacon, remove from pan and cook onion in bacon fat a few minutes. Add molasses, catsup, salt, mustard and Worcestershire sauce. Add beans and mix lightly. Pour into baking dish. Break bacon and sprinkle over top. Bake 20 minutes in a moderate oven (350F). Or heat in a saucepan on top of the stove, crumbling bacon over the top before serving.Molly McKay’sHome Ec Corner(Humboldt Independent,March 26, 1966) The winning recipe for February was Apple Fritters sent in by Mrs. Charlotte Long of Humboldt. This recipe makes about 3-1/2 dozen. Combine in a mixing bowl:1 cup pancake mix2 tablespoons sugar Mix well. Combine and add:1 beaten egg2/3 cup milk. Mix just until smooth, then set aside. Pare, core and slice 4 to 5 medium apples. Dip apple slices in batter, coating well. Fry in deep fat at 365 degrees for 2 to 3 minutes. Drain on a paper towel. Sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar.The Independent Homemaker(Humboldt Independent,June 23, 1973)Cabbage Slaw1 tablespoon Knox gelatin, softened in 1/4 cup waterHeat and stir to dissolve:1-1/4 cups sugar1 cup white vinegar1 teaspoon celery seed1 teaspoon salt1/4 teaspoon black pepper Add gelatin to this and let cool to consistency of cream. Then beat in 1 cup salad oil.Add to:6-8 cups shredded cabbage2 green peppers, cut up fine2 shredded carrotsCook of the Week Column(Humboldt Independent,May 5, 1988)Marilyn HundertmarkRhubarb Cobbler1/4 cup butter1/2 cup sugar1 cup sifted flour1 tsp. baking powder1/4 cup milk2 egg whites stiffly beaten4 cups diced rhubarb1-1/4 cups sugar Cream butter and 1/2 cup sugar. Add sifted dry ingredients alternately with milk. Fold in egg whites. Put 4 cups diced rhubarb and 1-1/4 cups sugar in buttered 8x8 baking dish. Pour batter over fruit. Bake 30 minutes in moderate oven.The Whole Bean(Humboldt Independent,Oct. 4, 2000)Soybean Cookie RecipeChocolate Chip Soybean Cookies(the old-fashioned way)1 cup soy margarine, softened3 cups packed brown sugar4 eggs2 tablespoons soymilk1 teaspoon vanilla3 cups all-purpose flour1 cups soy flour2 teaspoon baking soda1 teaspoon salt2 cups (12 oz.) chocolate chips2 cups roasted soybean nuts Heat oven to 350 degrees F. In a mixing bowl, cream margarine and brown sugar until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in soymilk and vanilla. Combine flours, baking soda and salt; slowly add to creamed mixture, mixing well. Stir in chocolate chips and soybean nuts. Drop by teaspoonfuls, 2 inches apart, onto greased baking sheets. Bake for 10 minutes or until lightly browned. The COOK OF THE WEEK 3rd Edition Cookbook is available. Cost per copy is $10.70, plus $4.80 shipping/handling. Order a copy today by sending a check or money order, along with name and shipping address, to: Humboldt Independent, 512 Sumner Ave., Humboldt, IA 50548.

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