Every year during the month of May the Alpha Omega Chapter of DELTA KAPPA GAMMA (DKG) International Society for Key Women Educators meets at the Faith United Methodist Church in Gilmore City for their annual meeting. This all started years ago when Velma Juelfs (since deceased) was a United Methodist Woman and also a member of the Alpha Omega Chapter of DKG International Society. She hosted one of these meetings with the help of the other UMW women. The teachers enjoyed the food and loved the fact that the church is easily accessible for all people. Rae Jean Nuehring of Albert City gave me the following information about the Alpha Omega Chapter and about the DKG International Society for Key Women Educators: “As an honorary society of 90,000 key women educators in 18 countries, members in DKG represent all levels of education. We are a powerful organization with the goals to support excel-lence in education and promote professional and personal development of our members. With opportunities to participate in lifelong learning, receive scholarships for advanced study and network with other educators across the world, we are risk takers who delight in the chal-lenge of implementing new ideas in education. We support educational legislation, recognize outstanding women and provide numerous leadership training opportunities. Partnering with the Fulbright organization, we help bring promising women from develop-ing countries to universities in Canada and the United States. Through our affiliation with the United Nations, we work with UNICEF and are supporting Schools for Africa. Last year we provided approximately 3 million dollars to support educators and educations. Upsilon State, the state of Iowa DKG organization, has a 2013-2015 Theme, (Passion to Teach, Honoring Women Educators). Our Iowa Vision Statement is that Iowa DKG members, teach, whether employed or are retired; honor other women educators; support parents; and improve the literacy of young children. On June 13, 14 and 15, the Upsilon State convention will be held in Davenport. Upsilon State is privileged to have Dr. Beverly Helms, DKG International President as our guest speaker. There will be training for all incoming chapter officers and a panel discussion on literacy. Educational workshops, vendor displays, mini-grants and chapter communications will be featured. Chapter and member awards will be presented. To honor our founders and the anniversary of Upsilon State’s founding, a birthday luncheon will be enjoyed by attendees of the convention. At the local level, the Alpha Omega chapter currently has a membership of 45 members who teach or have taught in the two county areas of Humboldt and Pocahontas Counties and/or live in these counties. Alpha Omega was chartered nearly 50 years ago on April 16, 1966. All Alpha Omega members are Upsilon State and International DKG members. Through the years to promote excellence in education, educational projects in the two-county area have included assembling and distributing approximately 400 art supply bags to all preschoolers and presenting a book to parents of newborn babies promoting the importance of reading and allowing parents the book to read to their children. We provided supplemental funds to instrumental music departments to aid fifth grade students to remain in band when family resources might not allow their continued participation. Alpha Omega members are making a difference in the lives of students with their efforts in education.” At the same time that we are enjoying having these teachers come and also preparing the salads for them, this has proven to be an excellent fundraiser for the Gilmore City United Methodist Women, also. It is a joint effort of all the Gilmore City United Methodist Women led by Kathy Stamper for this particular project. The Gilmore City United Methodist Women prepare a lovely salad bar which includes fresh buns, a cheese and meat platter with crackers, a relish tray and fresh fruit along with many delicious homemade salads prepared by the Methodist Women. We have included some of the recipes used by the Methodist ladies for this supper buffet. Other salads also served but not included in the recipes this week were: A taco salad, a Jell-O salad and deviled eggs.Easy Side Salad Prepared by Diane Lanning.3 ounce package orange Jell-O12 ounce Cool Whip12 ounce small curd cottage cheese15 ounce can mandarin oranges Mix Jell-O and Cool Whip until Jell-O is dissolved and Cool Whip is colored. Fold in cottage cheese. Drain oranges and pat dry on a paper towel. Save 4 pieces for garnish. Fold in the oranges and dump mixture into serving bowl. Garnish with the remaining orange slices in a pinwheel pattern. This salad is better if refrigerated for a few hours, but can be served immediately also. Leftovers may get watery. Variations that work well together are: strawberries with strawberry Jell-O; cherries with cherry Jell-O; fruit cocktail with lemon Jell-O; or be creative!Pasta Salad Prepared by Kathy Stamper.l pound box of Barilla elbow pasta Cook according to package directions, rinse in cold water and drain. (Tri-color Rotini could also be used.)Add to cooled pasta:32 ounce bottle Dorothy Lynch dressing or as much as desiredMcCormick Salad Supreme Seasoning and Mrs. Dash Original Blend seasonings (as desired). Both are in the seasoning aisle at grocery stores. Extra ingredient suggestions:tomatoes, shredded cheese, canned chicken or turkey drained, tiny pepperoni or vegetables.Mexican Corn Salad Prepared by Kathy Stamper.2 cans whole kernel corn, drained1 cup mayonnaise1 cup shredded cheddar cheese,green peppers to your desire1 package Chili Cheese flavoredFritos corn chips (mix in just before serving) Mix together. Just before serving add the crumbled Fritos and mix in, then crumble some on top of the salad.Snickers Salad Prepared by Linda Lynch.2 cups milk2 packages vanilla pudding12 ounce Cool Whip4 Granny Smith apples, chopped6 Snickers, chopped Mix milk and vanilla pudding, then fold in Cool Whip. Then add the apples and candy. A larger cool whip and any other tart apples may be used.Macaroni Salad Prepared by Kathy Cavanaugh.1 pint Hellman’s mayonnaise3/4 cup vinegar1-3/4 cups sugar1 can sweetened condensed milk2 boxes ring macaroni2 peppers (chopped fine) or 1 large pepper3 carrots, gratedsmall onion Cook macaroni and drain. Mix other ingredients and add to the macaroni. This recipe makes a large amount and keeps in refrigerator for one week.Potato Salad Prepared by Donna Hodgell.Cook and cool:5 pounds potatoes, cut into chunks and boiled1 dozen hard boiled eggsAdd:1 chopped onion (optional)Make 3-2-1 dressing to cover(adjust to how much is needed):3 tablespoons mayonnaise2 tablespoons sugar1 tablespoon vinegaradd enough yellow mustard to taste and add flavor Cover potato mixture with 3-2-1- dressing. This recipe was told to Donna by her mother-in-law, Wanda Alberta Peers Hodgell.Strawberry Salad Prepared by Karen Day.Bottom crust:2-1/4 cups crushed pretzels3 tablespoons powdered sugar3/4 cup oleo Press in a 9x13 inch pan and bake for 10 minutes in a 350 degree oven. Let crust cool completely.Second layer: Dissolve 2 packages strawber-ry Jell-O in 2 cups hot water. Then add a large container of frozen strawberries. Let set until almost set, then pour over pret-zel crust.Third layer:8 ounce package cream cheese, softened1 cup powdered sugar1 egg Cream well the cheese and sugar and then beat in egg. Add 8 ounce package of Cool Whip. Pour over strawberry layer. Chill until firm.Grape Salad Prepared by Karen Day.4 pounds seedless grapes - (2 pounds green and 2 pounds red). Wash and let dry thoroughly.Dressing:8 ounces cream cheese8 ounces sour cream1/2 cup granulated sugar and 1/2 cup brown sugar1 teaspoon vanilla1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional) Mix thoroughly and stir in grapes. Can be done a day before or mix and serve immediately.Pea Salad Prepared by Carol Jensen, sister of Kathy Stamper.15 ounce can sweet peas1/2 cup cheddar cheese (small cubes – approximately 1/4 inch by 1/4 inch)2 hard-boiled eggs, diced1/2 cup Kraft Miracle Whip Drain peas in colander. In a large bowl combine all ingredients and gently mix. Refrigerate overnight or at least two hours. Add more Miracle Whip if needed. If you are reading this, then you probably enjoy new recipes. If you would like to share some of your recipes with the community YOU could be Cook of the Week. Please contact me, Sally Cuthbertson, if you would like to be in this column some week. I can be reached by phone at 515-373-6346 or email me at I will be happy to email or send you my short questionnaire and set up a time to come and visit you at your convenience. I’m always looking for NEW Cook’s of the Week. Also, if you are new in town, this is a good way to introduce yourself to the Humboldt community and surrounding communities. I look forward to visiting with you. The COOK OF THE WEEK 3rd Edition Cookbook is available. Cost per copy is $10.70, plus $4.80 shipping/handling. Order a copy today by sending a check or money order, along with name and shipping address, to: Humboldt Independent, 512 Sumner Ave., Humboldt, IA 50548.

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