Humboldt Pool to open Memorial Day
The Humboldt Family Aquatic Center will be opening on time this summer, despite some issues that are being dealt with prior to the opening. City Recreation Director Susan Rutz reports that lifeguard training will take place May 24-25 at the pool, with the season opening on May 26. Prices remain at 2013 levels for the pool—$140 for a family pass, $85 for a single and $60 for a senior citizen. A 10-punch admission pass is $50. Any family pass purchased prior to opening day entitles the purchaser to a free five-punch pass. Open swim hours are 1-8 p.m. daily, with daily admission at $6. Senior citizen daily admission is $3. Children under 3 are admitted free with a paid adult. Swim diapers are required and may be purchased at the pool for $1 each. Adult lap swimming will be offered from 7-9 a.m. daily and again from noon to 12:45 p.m., Monday through Friday. There will be an acquasize class early in the morning and possibly another at noon. Rutz said the plans are to offer an evening water boot camp workout class on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 p.m., with an alternating water dance class offered at 8 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. Details are still be finalized. The pool is also available for rental, $200 for one hour and $250 for two hours. Lifeguard staff is provided. For more news on city parks and recreation programs, read this week's Humboldt Independent. Subscribing is as easy as clicking on the Subscribe Today link at the top of the page.