Child ID program conducted at Humboldt Elementary Schools
Elementary school students are busy collecting a variety of new knowledge on a daily basis. However, last week it was time for the leaders in the community to collect something from the students, their DNA profiles. Through the combined volunteer efforts of the VFW Post No. 5240 Ladies Auxiliary and the Humboldt Rotary Club, child ID information was collected from students at the elementary schools on Nov. 6. That information is recorded and kept by school and law enforcement authorities. This can be crucial information in cases of a lost or abducted child. We not only have the student's personal information and a photo, we also have their genetic ID information, which can be very very important if something happens where we can't locate the child, Humboldt County Sheriff and Police Administrator Dean Kruger said. To see more photos of the event and to read about all the happenings at Humboldt Schools, subscribe to The Humboldt Independent online or print editions by clicking on the link above.