Hansen to resign after 20 years on board
After a career as a public official spanning two decades, Humboldt County District 1 Supervisor Harlan Hansen is stepping down, effective June 30. A mechanical engineer and farmer, Hansen, from Rutland, represents the northern portion of the city of Humboldt, north of 4th Avenue North, and all of Rutland Township. His resignation is precipitated by his move from the community. Hansen said unexpected interest in his acreage west of Rutland forced he and his wife, Virginia, to consider their options. An attractive one was to be closer to their three daughters and their families, who all live in Marcus, west of Cherokee. “I’ve enjoyed my time being a county supervisor and the opportunity it has given me. It’s been interesting in being involved in other boards and commissions and has really opened my eyes as to what county supervisors do. It has really been a learning experience,” Hanse said. To read more about the decision, subscribe to The Humboldt Independent by clicking on the link above.