Communications equipment for LEC approved

The Humboldt County Public Safety Commission met early Monday morning, July 6, with the main item of business to act on quotes received for communications, electronics and security equipment for the new Law Enforcement Center remodel/addition. The bids for like pieces of equipment and installation were received from Electronic Engineering of Fort Dodge and Electronic Specialties of Algona. Electronic Engineering provided the low quote of $497,733.10. The equipment and charges from Electronic Specialties totaled $538,040. The commission unanimously agreed to approve the low quote from Electronic Engineering. The company has been providing equipment and installation of the county’s central point communications center for several years. The quote is about $100,000 below expected costs of the equipment. Read more about the upgrade and track the progress in The Humboldt Independent every week. Secure your copy by selecting the "Subscribe Today" link at the top of the page.

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