100 Women Who Care event slated for April 20

Women who want to help make a difference locally are invited to a Meet and Greet meeting at Rustix on Wednesday, April 20, at 5:30 p.m. Lemonade and cookies will be served. Those planning to attend are asked to RSVP by email to: 100womencarehumboldt@gmail.com. Renae Dreyer, owner/operator of Humboldt Engraving and Gifts, is spearheading the effort to start “100 Women Who Care-Humboldt County.” “It’s such a simple concept and a great way to make a difference in our Humboldt County community,” Dreyer said. The concept is 100 women gather with each person writing a check for $100 to a charity, non-profit or a family in need. The meetings are held quarterly (four times a year). Each woman is able to fill out a nomination ballot and put it in the nomination box. Three random nominations will be drawn out of the box and the person who submitted the nomination can give a brief five-minute presentation about their nominee. Then everyone votes for one of three. “We’d like to present the award that night to the charity, person or non-profit,” Dreyer said. So everyone would write their check to the winning nominee. “It’s such a simple concept. There’s no checking account, no taxes. And if we have 100 women, $10,000 can make a big difference,” Dreyer said. “This is being done all over the United States. There’s a group in Fort Dodge and we plan to have one of their members come up and talk about their experience at the Meet and Greet.” Dreyer said she’s been assisted in getting the 100 Women Who Care-Humboldt County chapter off the ground by several other ladies who want to make a difference in their community including: Traci Tille, Shelli Allen, Marla Conlon, Jean Bunz, Kallie Davis and Jaime Zweibohmer. The first quarterly meeting will be Wednesday, June 8, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at Rustix. Future meeting dates are Sept. 14 and Dec. 14, both at 5:30 p.m. and both at Rustix. Guests are always welcome. Dreyer said if people would rather form a team and pool their money to come up with $100, that is okay as well. “Maybe you have a group of four that each contributes $25. Or a group of 10 that each contributes $10. You can still make a difference,” Dreyer said. Each $100 group will have one vote. Response has already been so positive that Dreyer said she is hoping more than 100 women join. “If we get to 150 women, maybe we can do a split of the funds and give to two causes each time,” Dreyer said. Dreyer said she’s excited that what is donated will stay in Humboldt County. “We have so many needs right here. This is a great way for people to give back without a huge commitment of time. Plus you get to meet with other women, network and make a difference,” Dreyer said. Those planning to attend the Meet and Greet on April 20 at 5:30 p.m. at Rustix are asked to RSVP via email to: 100womencarehumboldt@gmail.com so they have an idea of how many will be attending. More information is available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/100-women-who-care-humboldt-county

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