Sister’s announces large plant expansion

Workers from Woodruff Construction prepare forms for additional concrete work north of the Sister’s Home Style Entrees plant on 22nd Street North in the Humboldt Industrial Park. A new warehouse building will make room for a large freezer and new loading dock, as part of a 20,000 square foot expansion to be completed late this spring. Humboldt Independent photo.
In an effort to freeze more, ship more and sell more, Sister’s Home Style Entrees has announced a 20,000 square foot expansion of its production facility at 1303 22nd St. N. in Humboldt.
The large warehousing facility will nearly double the plant size of the Sister’s location in the Northwest Industrial Park.
“It will be a 100-foot by 200-foot warehouse area with new docks for semis coming in to unload. That will be phase 1,” Sister’s owner and CEO Deb Davis proudly states.
“Phase 2 will be a new freezer that will be 65-foot by 100-foot. It will greatly streamline the process of product going out our doors. Now, it’s into the freezer, back out to package and then back in. The new freezer space will allow us to be much more efficient in our product packaging component,” Davis said.
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