New 'Blue' at school is SRO

Humboldt’s new School Resource Office Susan Rutz (left) visits with (from l to r:) 10th grader Zion Green, freshman Jayse Allen and senior Chris Larson during the first day of school last Friday, Aug. 23. Humboldt Independent photo by Kent Thompson.

Counselor, coach, mentor, director, Dakota City’s Susan Rutz has worn many hats during her career.
This week, Rutz is donning a new one, that of School Resource Officer with the Humboldt Community School District.
“My main job is to keep the school safe. I hope some things I can share with students will help them in their family life and out on the street. The second thing is to build a positive relationship between law enforcement and the community. A lot of what we see about law enforcement these days is negative. I want to project positive things our law enforcement officers are doing," Rutz said.
“I also want to be a resource for students in school, whether it be about be about mental health, substance use issues, issues of abuse, housing, food or shelter. I want to get students the help they need to be successful,” Rutz said.
Read more about the training Officer Rutz had to undergo and why this is a dream job for her, in this week's Humboldt Independent. You can subscribe by clicking on the link at the top of the page.

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