Housing development gets green light

This field north of Humboldt County Memorial Hospital and southwest of Liguria Foods, will be the site of a new housing development, Creekside Drive. The Humboldt City Council took several actions last week to move the project forward. Humboldt Independent photo.

The Humboldt City Council held three public hearings and passed several resolutions and two ordinances related to a new housing development on the city’s north side during its Monday, April 6 meeting.
The Council paved the way for a new development in the field southwest of Liguria Foods. The 3.5-acre lot will be developed into two eight duplex housing units (16 residences) in the first phase. At its meeting last week, the Council first held a public hearing on the matter of adopting the proposed North Residential Urban Renewal.
Humboldt City Administrator Travis Goedken reported that Jeff and Karen Berte plan to develop the area, which will include public utility infrastructure, city streets and curb and gutter. Once the work is completed, it will be deeded to the city. The Council reviewed the preliminary plat for Creekside Drive, the name for the new residential development. The Humboldt Planning and Zoning Commission met and approved that the new development is in compliance with the city’s 2002 Comprehensive Plan. After review, the Council approved the zoning change and a development agreement with the Bertes.
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