Community service recognized by Humboldt City Council

Humboldt Mayor Dan Scholl (left) congratulates Humboldt Boy Scout Aaron Boleyn (right) on the completion of his Eagle Scout project, the construction of two flag holder and carrier carts for the flags flown in downtown Humboldt. Boleyn turned the carts over to the city on Monday. Humboldt Independent photo by Kent Thompson.

Humboldt Police Officers Amber Williams (left) and Erin Bennett (right) were all smiles after receiving special recognition pins from Police Chief Joel Sanders in honor of their performance of life-saving measures in the line of duty this past January. The two officers will receive certificates at a later date. Humboldt Independent photo by Kent Thompson.
Monday’s Humboldt City Council meeting featured a double-dose of feel good energy.
Three individuals were recognized for community service.
Humboldt Police Officers Erin Bennett and Amber Williams were honored by Police Chief Joel Sanders for their life-saving heroics on the night of Jan. 16, 2021, when they were called to the Humboldt home of Kyle Kluender. The officers provided life-saving measures and Kluender survived and has made a full recovery. Officers Bennett and Williams were recognized with a pin and will be given a certificate of commendation for their actions.
Community service of a different sort was recognized through a project by Aaron Boleyn, a 17-year-old Humboldt High School junior.
Aaron is a Boy Scout and recently completed his Eagle Scout project, which has an impact on city activities. Aaron and other members of Troop 108 created two wooden carriers for the flag poles that fly the flag on Sumner Avenue during official holidays.
Read more about their stories and other city news in this week's Humboldt Independent. Your trusted source for local news and sports.