Honorable Trip for Humboldt County veterans

Brushy Creek Area Honor Flight Director Craig Malloy (left) shares a laugh with David Fevold (center) and Jim Fevold (right), both of Humboldt, last Saturday in front of the Marine Corps Memorial in Arlington, VA. See the article and more photos in this week's Humboldt Independent. Humboldt Independent photo by Kent Thompson.
For 132 veterans a journey from Fort Dodge to Washington, D.C. and back was the trip of a lifetime.
The excursion on Saturday, Aug. 28, began before daylight and ended long after nightfall, but it was a good day for vets from 12 different counties along with support staff and volunteers.
Attendees had a chance to experience the Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Wall, Korean War Memorial, World War II Memorial, Iwo Jima (Marine Corps) Memorial, The changing of the guard at Arlington National Cemetery, the Air Force Memorial and a 70-minute bus tour of Washington, D.C.
Read the opinions expressed by local veterans who went on the trip by picking up a copy of this week's Humboldt Independent. Better yet, subscribe to print or online editions by clicking on the Subscribe link at the top of this page.