Teachers learn about trauma to help students

Megan Douglas (left) at-risk coordinator in the Humboldt School District, received the Champions for Children Award at the Humboldt Board of Education meeting Monday night. Making the presentation was Humboldt School Board President Tate Satern (right). Humboldt Independent photo by Phil Monson.
By Phil Monson
In order to better serve students’ social and emotional learning, staff in the Humboldt School District have begun training through the Trauma Informed Online Academy.
Abby Horbach, director of safety and mental health and high school assistant principal, was on hand to give a report at the regular monthly meeting of the Humboldt School Board Monday night, Sept. 20.
She was joined by instructors Megan Douglas and Jennifer Savery, who presented videos on staff training, which began over the past month and will continue throughout the school year.
“Our teachers and associates are taking the training sessions. We have gotten really good feedback after our first session. It teaches about trauma and how it impacts our kids,” Horbach said.
“Our goal is to use trauma informed practices to help build our culture and build relationships in all of our buildings,” Savery said.
Read more about this story and other Humboldt education news in this week's Independent.