New city administrator is impressed with city
Humboldt’s Cole Bockelmann has packed a lot of public sector management experience into a few short years. He said he is excited about getting back to Iowa and closer to his roots. Cole grew up in Sergeant Bluff, not far from Sioux City. It’s a town of equal size to Humboldt. Humboldt Independent photo.
Humboldt’s new city administrator Cole Bockelmann is beginning his third week on the job. So far, he likes what he sees.
"I knew I was walking into a good situation with a city that is fiscally responsible and in good standing financially. It has a fairly experienced staff. I have toured all the departments and met with the department heads. It met my expectations and my experiences have been good so far," Bockelmann said.
Read more about his experiences and thoughts in an exclusive interview in this week's Humboldt Independent.