Dam alternatives discussed at joint meeting
“No decisions were made but there was a lot of good discussion,” that was how County District 3 Supervisor Rick Pedersen summed up a joint meeting of the Humboldt County Conservation Board, Humboldt County Board of Supervisors and the Humboldt City Council. The meeting was held Wednesday, Feb. 16, at the county conservation shop in Dakota City.
All five of the Conservation Board members were in attendance, along with four Supervisors and four Humboldt City Council members, along with the Humboldt mayor and city administrator.
There were about 20 members of the public in attendance, but only one, Bill Dunscombe, asked to speak, in addition to Bret Harklau.
The subject in question was continued discussion about the West Fork of Des Moines River in Humboldt and the deteriorating condition of the Joe Reasoner Dam.
Harklau offered a slide show presentation and said replacing the Tainter gates on the Reasoner Dam with ones similar to the Rutland Dam, along with crest gates on top, which would raise the pool above the dam by three feet, would create a river usable for all types of water recreation.
Read more about Harklau's proposal and other thoughts on the matter in this week's Humboldt Independent, your trusted source for local news and sports.