ALPHA meets needs of students where they are

Kristen Fisher (center), coordinator of ALPHA, Alternative Learning Program for the Humboldt Area, is shown here in her classroom with senior class students Esmerelda Reyes-Flores (left) and Justyne Henman. Independent photo.
Humboldt’s alternative learning program is in its 11th year successfully serving area students.
Known as ALPHA (Alternative Learning Program for the Humboldt Area) and led by coordinator Kristen Fisher, it continues to grow since it was created in 2012.
“We had previously been sending students in our at-risk population or dropouts to Pocahontas. I had taught special education at the high school for four years before coming over to become coordinator of the program,” Fisher said.
Fisher gave an in-depth report on her program last week during the Jan. 16 Humboldt School Board meeting.
“Students come to ALPHA for various reasons. Some come for medical reasons. It allows them flexibility for their appointments. It could be for special, emotional reasons, like anxiety or academics,” Fisher said.
Read more about this innovative program that other schools are emulating in this week's Humboldt Independent, your trusted source for local news and sports.