Theisen honored with nursing award

Humboldt County Memorial Hospital Chief Nursing Executive Victor Bycroft (left) presents Registered Nurse Abigail Theisen with the DAISY Award, an award to honor inspired care and making a difference in patient lives. The award was presented during a ceremony at HCMH last week. Submitted photo.

Nurses at Humboldt County Memorial Hospital (HCMH) are being honored with The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses®. The award is part of the DAISY Foundation’s mission to recognize the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care they provide patients and families every day.
The DAISY Award recipient is Registered Nurse Abigail Theisen. Abi was nominated by a family member of a patient for her clear communication, the care she provided for the patient, and the empathy in which she showed the patient and family.
“We are proud to be among the healthcare organizations participating in The DAISY Award program. Nurses are heroes every day. It’s important that our nurses know their work is highly valued, and The DAISY Foundation provides a way for us to do that,” Chief Nursing Executive Victor Bycroft said.
Read the full story and see more photos in this week's Humboldt Independent.

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