Special Olympics garners $13,000 in fundraiser

The Blue Moose Saloon in Renwick hosted the first annual Special Olympics Poker Run and Auction in August and raised $13,214. The money will be distributed to Special Olympics Iowa, Humboldt Special Olympics and to the Special Olympic Polar Plunge. Pictured from left: Maddie Cory with the Iowa Special Olympics, event organizers Judy Oberhelman and Sue Thompson and Humboldt Special Olympics coach Ashley Mohr. Humboldt Independent photo.

On Aug. 26, the Blue Moose Saloon in Renwick hosted the first annual Special Olympics Poker Ride and auction fundraiser.
The event was organized by Ron and Judy Oberhelman, Sue Thompson, manager of the Blue Moose Saloon, and Deb Stalzer, Blue Moose employee.
The fundraiser raised $13,214. Read the full story in this week's Humboldt Independent. Subscribe by clicking on the link at the top of this page.

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