HCMH looks at possible MH expansion

Humboldt County Memorial Hospital CEO Michelle Sleiter said the hospital's new Mental Health & Wellness Center clinic has already reached capacity for providers. The waiting list of patients totals 100.
Less than 10 months after opening a Mental Health & Wellness Center, Humboldt County Memorial Hospital (HCMH) is already on the cusp of determining if an expansion is necessary.
That was the word from HCMH Chief Executive Officer Michelle Sleiter at the Board of Trustees meeting on Jan. 23.
“When I came to you about two years ago asking for $2 million for a mental health and wellness center it was on a hope strategy that if we build it, they will come. Now, less than one year into operations, we are out of space,” Sleiter said.
“We hit the mark faster than I ever dreamed possible. Beginning next month or the month after we need to strategically discuss where do we take mental health. How big do we want to be? Or are we who we are and are doing what we can do in the community,” Sleiter told the seven-member board.
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