Reynolds includes Humboldt in disaster proclamation

Governor Reynolds has expanded the number of counties included in the Disaster Proclamation due to the flooding that impacted Iowa on June 26.
Humboldt County has been impacted by the floods that devastated parts of Iowa. We saw record water levels in Humboldt that we know have greatly affected individuals.
Governor Reynolds was made aware of the flooding that has left several communities in our county with flood related damage. Our Emergency Management Agency has worked with our communities, Law Enforcement, and our Secondary Roads Department to compile reports of damage, both current and ongoing.
Through this proclamation residents that qualify could be eligible for grant money up to $5,000 per household to offset repair and replacement costs due to the flood. Humboldt County’s Upper Des Moines Opportunities (UDMO) 419 Sumner Ave, Humboldt 515-604-6550 can work with residents and
be able to walk them through this grant process.
For additional information on this proclamation, the requirements, and how to apply for the Iowa Individual Disaster Assistance Grant Program please reach out to Humboldt County’s UDMO or visit the following link Those impacted by the storms and are in need of relief will have 45 days from the date of the proclamation.