Supervisors sign 28E agreement for sanitarian

Much of the Humboldt County Supervisors meeting was dominated by the Secondary Roads Department business when they met on Monday, Oct. 14 during the Supervisors regular meeting. Humboldt County Engineer Ben Loots brought several projects to the board for consideration.
Loots’ first request was to award the contracts and bonds for placement of a pipe culvert for project STBG-SWAP-7637(601)-FG-46, better known as the short culvert east of Humboldt on 250th Street.
Loots also requested change order number two be approved for the paving project that was recently finished on county roads C26 and P66.
Loots presented the Supervisors with two applications for work in the right-of-way.
The first application was received from Midland Power Cooperative to work north of the quarry northeast of town in the right of way 210th Street and 190th Street.
The Company will be boring under the roads to replace existing overhead line on those streets. The new bore will be a 3 phase 12.47 KV wire at a minimum depth of 4 feet through the entire right of way. The Supervisors approved the application.
The second application was from Anderson Drainage and Excavation to cut down the slope of the ditch by the new trail-bridge off of Highway 169 by the lagoons.
Loots stated the work being done is at the edge of the right-of-way and rather than create bigger issues with placing a berm around the area, they are allowing him to work in the right of way.
Anderson’s proof of insurance needs to be updated, but the Supervisors approved the application with the stipulation that he updates his insurance information.
Loots requested that the county look at replacing and updating the current surveying equipment.
28E Agreement amendment
The supervisors approved the amended 28E agreement for environmental health services between the counties of Wright and Humboldt counties.
The agreement had been signed earlier this year, however two terms needed to be clarified.
The two sections amended were section 8 and 14.
Section 8 reads: The Board of Supervisors from each county shall designate a Management Team to oversee the implementation of this agreement. The members shall have the authority to act on behalf of the county which they were appointed, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors. The Management Team will meet annually to assess program progress, resolve differences and discuss mutual problems and concerns. The Management Team shall not acquire, hold, or dispose of the real or personal property used in the joint or cooperative undertaking.
Sandy Loney and Rick Pederson will serve on the Management Team for Humboldt County.
Section 14 reads: Wright County will act as the fiscal agent for the Wright/Humboldt County Sanitarian position with will handle various financial and administrative duties on behalf of Humboldt County.
Planning and Zoning Board
The Supervisors accepted with regret the resignation of Luke Erpelding from the Planning and Zoning Board. Aaron Crahan was approved to fill the position.
The Supervisors agreed to appoint Chris Wergland and Brent Kuehnast as the reclassification commissioners for DD#80, Branch D. Dave Hundertmark will act as an alternate.
Read the full story in this week's issue of the Humboldt Independent