Humboldt will not purchase Reasoner Dam

City offers support for development group


After deliberating in a 40-minute special meeting on Monday afternoon, Jan. 13, the Humboldt City Council unanimously voted no on purchasing the Reasoner Dam.

The city was forced to consider taking ownership of the dam after the Humboldt County Conservation Board declined earlier this winter to allow the River Development Group to take ownership, instead asking the city to assume ownership and allow the development group to raise its own funds to make necessary improvements to the dam and the wide body of water north of it, known for over a half century as Lake Nokomis.

“Our goal has always been to make Lake Nokomis a recreational attraction that it once was. The potential for boating, jet skiing, kayaking and of course, fishing,” said River Development Group member Susan Tille, who is also mayor of Rutland.

Among the other members of group on hand who spoke during the meeting include Brett Harklau, Gary Jensen and Dale Jensen.

There was no one from the conservation board pre-sent at the meeting. The only county supervisor present was Michael Carpenter, who was newly-elected and just sworn in last week.

“Obviously we need the dam to hold the water that makes Lake Nokomis. Lake Nokomis, along with the swimming pool, the trails, the library, parks, ball diamonds and playgrounds are all that makes Humboldt such a desirable community. Although there is no direct revenue from these places, they are no less important and their value lies in making the community more attractive,” Tille said.

Read the full story in this week's issue of the Humboldt Independent.

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