Hog Slat donates $50,000 to auditorium project

Hog Slat, Inc., last week donated $50,000 to the R. Wesley Carlson Auditori-um improvement project. Kerry Burmeister (center), Controller at the company location in Humboldt, pre-sented the donation to pro-ject fundraising committee members Tiffany Nelson (right) and Father Tom Hart. Independent photo.

HUMBOLDT - Humboldt Community School District officials are making a big push in the month of February toward meeting their goal to raise $1 million to make improvements and up-grades to R. Wesley Carlson Auditorium at the high school.

Last week Hog Slat, Inc., of Humboldt donated $50,000 toward the project, which is halfway toward its goal. Community members can purchase a seat for $600, or donate any other amount to provide improvements to the facility, which opened in 1981 and is named after the late R. Wesley Carlson, long-time and respected school superintendent. The auditorium, which opened in 1981, is in need of improvements and upgrades.

Kerry Burmeister, Controller at Hog Slat, Inc., presented the donation to auditorium committee fundraising committee members Tiffany Nelson and Father Tom Hart. Burmeister, a member of Humboldt Community Chorus, which performed last weekend in the auditorium, says the facility hosts many community events 12 months a year.

“The facility needs to be updated so it can continue to serve community needs for many more years,” Burmeister said. “The Herring family, owners of Hog Slat, Inc., were generous in wanting to support the community,” Burmeister said.

“I’ve been associated with different school districts over the last 50 years and I have never seen an auditorium so used as this one here in Humboldt,” Hart said. “It is the most used auditorium I have ever seen.”

“Many, many people sit in here for concerts and community chorus and many plays, musicals and concerts. It’s amazing how much this facility is used when you look at it,” Nelson said.

“I’ve taken kids to different auditoriums at different schools and I’ve taken photos of the new facilities that are out there. Ours definitely is in need of an update,” Hart said.

Read the full story in this week's issue of the Humboldt Independent!

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