With October being National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Humboldt County Memorial Hospital Radiology Department would like to pro-mote the importance of good breast health. They have found their Annual 5K Going the Dis-tance to Make a Difference has been a great way to bring people together to support the cause because, when Breast Cancer strikes, it affects not only the patient, but the entire support system of that individual. From experience, I know that early detection is very important! About 20 years ago, a regular mammogram check-up detected a small spot, which was later determined to be cancer, on myself. The very small lump was removed, followed by radiation and today, I am cancer-free thanks to the early detection of mammograms. I was only about 50 years old so, ladies, don’t wait until you are old. When your doctor recommends you get your first mammogram, don’t put it off.